When will Americans rise up after their jobs have all been sent overseas? When they have no health care? When they keep on supporting lost causes like a Palestinian state?
What will it take to stop tax payer abuse?
This is why they want your guns and the spirit of being unviolated laying in it.
Courthouses all over the nation engage in similar rackets, calling people back time and again to courts for no good reason, taxes that are unseen because they use paycheck stub witholding.
It's basicaly a form of lawyer and public servant confederate servitude system....ungodly....and then they dare going after big business, "wifebeaters", "childabusers", people who eat with dirty hands and what not.
It's all in gross violation of interstate commerce....but go figure...we also pay export taxes in the form of the income tax
Social justice and other free willy false accusations are basicaly identity theft...period.
They get your ID, you're screwed, they'll use it and recal you and graft your paycheck if it is so far untouched. Census data used to target certain "risk" races which are defensive..
Local goverments are confederating with lawyers to extort, agitate and threaten and divide the country. Public schools have an interest in CPS because their standards favors mass cheap education for the dumed down masses.
blackmail extortion and desteuction of boundaries through unscientific "sex ed"....even good performance before public officials in search of solutions are beat down...just like they encourage the highschool thugs to beat on the serious student and then jail the latter if he or she fights back...no performance allowed, "all equal" before Caesar display mentality...local thugs prevent the performer from performing.
oh, and they're nasty perverts themselves too.
It's not so much about gays or what not, it's about confederating local interests against interstate commerce.