BEGALA: Its kind of interesting. When I worked for Bill Clinton, he was caught up in the Lewinsky scandal. We had some strategic options. We could have attacked Monica Lewinsky, but we decided not to do that. The refuser [sic] of off shore operations have tried to do that, I thought it was skirt less. We never did that. We focused instead on attacking Ken Starr, we portrayed him as a sex obsessed partisan and it worked. I happened to believe it was true, others may disagree. The White House now though has a similar set of options.
The ONLY reason it "worked" is because the partisan MSM dutifly carried the Clinton message. Note too how the media are treating this current episode with glee! They are in a Watergate frenzy as they have a REPUBLICAN in their crosshairs!!!! Yippee.
Begala's a cockroach. He practices 'insect politics'.