Common sense, high school experience and biased liberal media should tell you what you need to know. You on the other hand, in your zeal to support homosexual perversion, confirm what I've been saying all along.
"Common sense, high school experience and biased liberal media should tell you what you need to know."
So, what you're saying is that you have no actual information on the motivation behind this election. You're supposing that it was a prank, based on nothing but your own thinking.
Could be. Might not be, though. My high school experience won't help much. Our high school elected a blind girl in a wheelchair as homecoming queen one year, and it was no joke. She was a sweet person and everyone liked her. The election was a tribute to her popularity.
So, that won't help. What I had was a news story that said that the election was a popular one and not a prank. If you have some other real information about it, I'd be glad to consider it. Until then, I base my statements on the information at hand, not on what I wish or hope is the case.
Personally, I don't care what people do sexually, as long as they are consenting and above the age of consent. It's of no interest to me. I'm completely neutral on the issue.