How is Harriet Miers "not a conservative"?
I mean, specifically? IF Limbaugh, Kristol, Coulter and others epitomize "conservative" to your view, and the view of others, then the GOP has more problems than just Miers.
The only thing so far I can see as to Miers' past opinions that can be called into question among the "conservative" test is that she supported one application of affirmative action. But even that was framed in a certain area and also not even yet explained by her as to her thinking involved ("conservatives" have not allowed her the opportunity to do that).
Funny but today all the media spokespeople among notorious liberals now are saying pretty much exactly what the so-called conservatives in media have been complaining about as to Miers. They're all saying the same things, with only minor differences. I see nothing "conservative" about the complaints about Miers, so far. Now we'll never know.
Bush will be replacing Miers with a moderate who will get confirmed and the S.C. will continue to slide into liberal legislating land, with the help and cheerleading of the so-called "conservative media" among us.
"Solid conservative" is not going to get past the Senate as to any nominee, unless we find John Kerry and Teresa in a black mass in Berlin honoring Hitler.
She supported quotas, set asides, called abortion clinic protestors terrorists, disparaged the Federalist Society, supported Judicial activism (when legislatures didn't have the "will" to make hard decisions).
She certainly has no record of solid conservatism, and nothing in her past would lead me to believe she would be a strict constructionist or originalist Justice.
Bush passed over several known quantities to choose his *personal lawyer* The classic definition of cronyism.
To suggest she was more qualifed than other potential nominees is an insult.