check out my post #627
I heard on a radio news report today that when/if indictments are handed down...the lawyers/indictees could be notified and told to meet at police/court at a certain time OR...
they can be arrested and handcuffed at a time that they do NOT know about.
If what I heard is true, could you imagine having the police show up at the White House and handcuff Rove, Libby or Cheney???
VERY hypothetical...if Cheney went down (we know he won't)...don't you think the dems COULD regret that, considering Bush is in last term...and Cheney already said he wasn't going to run in 2008.
I remember that there was talk back months ago about her nature of her "career" was being rather freely tossed about in DC, in general, and specifically there was an article where her neighbors were interviewed. Her lawyer, I believe, Christopher Wolf is it??, is her next door neighbor, and was nearly oozing with praise and compliments about her