One black girl raped by 19 men, one black youth dead, one Asian man dead"
The dead Asian man I believe is the Pakistani who as you suggest cannot be mentioned because of the higherarchy of political correctness in which Islam trumps all.
In Britain the term "Asian" means an Indian or Pakistani person, not an east Asian as here.
Very confusing.
Well, Islam trumps Britain.
We have our own "trumps."
Lol. I saw a Phil Donahue show many years ago. It was right during/after the big broo-ha-ha between African-Americans and Hadisic Jews in New York.
Donahue had on a panel of four members from each of the above mentioned groups.
Each group had a middle-aged male leader and three younger men who did most of the talking. All were very smart, well-rehearsed and all had done their homework.
It was a pissing contest between them of whose sufferings trumped whose. Slavery versus anti-Semiticism.
Donahue sat back and watched them. Each group was absolutely positive that IT had undergone the most suffering (from guess who?) in America and the history of the planet (from guess who?) and was therefore entitled, because of its mighty courage, for the most sympathy, honor and admiration (and benefit$ from guess who?). Each group felt that it was OWED (by guess who?) because it was superior to the other group (and to guess who?) in its suffering.
Donahue wound it up by telling them, MOST humorously, that they were both the EXACT same -- elitist, racist, bigots who were flip side of the same coin.
Almost everyone laughed, including the young men from each group. The two middle-aged male leaders of said groups did NOT laugh. They KNEW that although Donahue was wrong, everyone else thought he was right....and they were NOT amused.
That was Donahue of many, many years ago. He's a pimp for the leftists now. But he did have one good show.