What a misinformed and backwards statement. I have $1,000 that says the price of oil will be cheaper in the future than it is now. Any takers?
Some of you know what I'm talking about and some of you don't. The man who made that bet in the '70's won it. He'll always win it.
Never mind that the current price makes some extraction methods feasible. Never mind that the current price makes alternative energy feasible. Never mind that the creative juices of the free market will never let the price of any commodity go to the moon and stay there.
Any commodity in a free market is subject to the forces of ideas, intelligence and technology. Willie, you would bet against all of those, denying the history of capitalism. Shoot yourself in the foot Willie. If you miss it's because that is your destiny. You missed.
Same old crap..."Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
~ The Wizard of Oz
Where have we heard this before?