message answered.
Home Depot made an exception and took my credit card on the phone even though their computers are down.
The tarp they had left was I think 16x11 feet and they sold me 5 plus a boatload of firring and they were supposed to be nails and hammer, staple gun and staples in the lot.
I told the taxi driver that it was waiting for him, but not sure he can fit it in his car.
We are dependent on his cell phone for communication and as his wife is sick he isn't available most of the time. The people at Home Depot were going to give him the Verizon address where he can get a prepaid cell phone for my aunt.
Next time he is there and I have my aunt on the phone I am going to get her insurance information and try to contact her agent and see if he can line up someone licensed for us to hire to put on the tarps.
Thank you so much, Veni, for beating the bushes for us to find someone to do this, and thank you, vigil, for being on call to go help in case all our efforts fall through.
I just UPS'd some cash to my aunt to help her pay for the taxidriver's work and maybe labor for someone to put the tarps on. They say it will probably get there by Thursday evening.
That's all for now except to confirm that she won't have phones for another week and may not electricity either.