Shirking fights?? The President is still fighting the world because he didn't have UN approval to go into Iraq. Now the UN is in Iraq making DNC talking points about voter fraud. As much as I would like to see President Bush withdraw us from the stinking UN and kick them out of the USA, it must be done in the same way one eats an elephant ... one bite at a time. There has been an investigation going on of the Oil for Food scandal for well over a year, with more fingers pointing at the UN everyday. He went around the demonRATS and the crybaby, and recess appointed Bolton. Congress voted to cut our "contribution" to the UN by half. (did that stick?) Like everything else, it takes time. President Bush can't "nuke" the UN, anymore than he can "nuke" SS or DOE or appoint any judge he wants.
Sensibility and long term vision has just become your claim to fame justanobody.
To me anyway!