I read the entire cross examination. the thing that stood out is how many times rothschild tried to twist Behe's words and miscontrued his writings. Behe was right on top of those attempts and did not let Rothschold get away with it.
I thought Behe did remarkably well.
Is there a distinction to be made between science and science fiction? Eric Rothschild asked Michael Behe. Yes, responded Behe. I have no further questions, said Rothschild. And with those words (or ones quite similar well get precision with the transcript release), Eric Rothschild laid to rest the remains of Behes scientific credibility. Preceding that, there was a day full of cross examination, in which one would learn that Behe wasnt as familiar with the scientific literature on the immune system as one might hope for someone billed as an expert, that rigorous peer review in intelligent design can be obtained in a ten-minute telephone interview without the reviewer even having to see the manuscript, that the blood-clotting system can be reduced to a core of four parts except that when one does so the result is claimed to be lethal, and much more. Why did the cross-examination of Behe sound so much like the lawyers were reading from the TalkDesign web site? Well, at least part of that would be due to the advice that the plaintiffs lawyers received from NCSE Public Information Director Nicholas Matzke, aka Nic Tamzek from the early TalkDesign days and regular PT contributor. By almost all accounts*, the TalkDesign material on various issues concerning Behes irreducible complexity was put to good use. Expect a more complete eulogy for Behes scientific career and a post-mortem, as it were, of the terminal handling it received on Tuesday and Wednesday to be posted here later, after we have the transcripts in hand.
What has to be considered for the future is whether the on-the-stand demolition of Behe will influence the remainder of the slate of TMLC experts. They had a pretty high withdrawal rate pre-trial, and now that the preparation of the plaintiffs legal team has been shown, vividly, will all the rest of TMLCs scheduled experts actually show up for a big helping of what Behe had?
* As one might expect, the DI thinks Behe weathered cross-examination without any trouble whatsoever, but when ones reports are apparently filed from Cloud Cuckoo Land, I think that we are permitted to consider the source.