now some in his own party.
Yeah, I've seen the borders. I live in Phoenix and I live with the disaster that the borders have become. However, I am also aware enough to know that a lot is being done quietly under the radar. I object to any policy of amnisty because this country has been swamped. I fully back Kyl's plan.
What I object to is the over emotional reaction to everything this man has done or suggested. He has NEVER backed amnisty, he's only backed a worker's program that I happen to think will work, but only if applied via Kyl's plan and NOT McCain's plan. Both of those guys are senators BTW, the ones who have to come up with the laws.
On the spending on Katrina, the states haven't even come up with formal requests for aid so how can anyone know what the spending will be? People are throwing around the $250 billion number like it's an absolute. That was merely an estimate of the damage, not the tab the taxpayers will have to pick up. How will you think about the "spending" if the greatest portion of that comes in tax cuts and incentives and low interest loans? We have over one million US citizens who are homeless through no fault of their own. Do you really want the government to stand by and do nothing to give them a hand up? Most have been paying taxes all their lives and have received nothing in return, now that they need help, you want to turn your back on them?
As to the rest of the spending, congress holds the purse strings, or are you one of those people who only like certain parts of the constitution? You want him to veto his own party? He has consistantly sent up reasonable budgets with lower than usual increases, but congress has changed his proposed budgets. You want to be mad at someone, how about being mad at the ones who do the spending? Or are you under the mistaken impression that we live in a monarchy?