Just keep hurricane Nagin out of florida and we'll be fine.
Expect BOR to lay down the warning that "He" will not tolerate any OJ price-gouging.
Started getting used to cranberry juice already.
Bush's Fault!
"Climatologists also fear global warming could be making the storms more intense."
How odd for Reuters to slip that in. I don't think I've ever heard such a thing before. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
Has anyone seen the satellite images from the 1933 hurricane season??? Oh. That's right. There weren't any weather weather satellites back then. I wonder how many storms turned back into the Atlantic without anyone ever knowing they existed???
The season still has six weeks left to run. Hurricane experts say the Atlantic has swung back into a period of heightened storm activity that could last another 20 years.
Seems like this pattern has occurred many times the past few hundred years. That is the way nature works, and there is not much we can do about this natural cycle.