I called my mother yesterday, they are in Stuart (landfall for Frances & Jeanne 2004). The current track has the storm exiting the state in their area. That limits evac options.
I called my mother yesterday, they are in Stuart (landfall for Frances & Jeanne 2004). The current track has the storm exiting the state in their area. That limits evac options.
The local news here in Palm Beach County (WFLX) is currently predicting it will cut right through our county, just south of Lake Okeechobee. They are also saying that they expect it to come in the western side of Florida a cat. 3 and because of forward speed, will only diminish to cat 2 by the time it reaches us here. Of course, this could all change at any moment. With her current track, about all we can count on is that practically the whole state will feel *something* from Wilma.