To: TaxRelief
Yep. That is a flat out bald faced lie. But if what was challenged was the headline itself they would try to pull a Clinton and say that the headline was 'accurate' as I said.
I'm 100% not defending them. I'm pointing out that they would try to weasel out of it. That was the point of citing Clinton.
If a conservative critic makes the mistake of making the wrong argument and getting shot down, even by tortuous logic like "depends on what the meaning of 'is' is" then we're not allowed to go back and point out the other falsehoods. Any attempt to do what you have done, to actually point out the gross and inarguable inaccuracies in the article, will be shut down because they've already been "shown to be wrong" on the original complaint over the title. It's not right, but it is the MO of the MSM.
We have to make a solid and complete case that can't be dismissed with facile game playing.
127 posted on
10/16/2005 8:19:28 AM PDT by
(There are lies, damned lies, statistics and presentation graphics, in descending order of truth)
To: Phsstpok
We know the media lies. We know they tell most of their lies in the headlines, rather than the stories.
If the Nazis want to take it a step further and sue for libel, that's their problem.
ABC should just watch FOX news before broadcasting anything.
138 posted on
10/16/2005 8:27:32 AM PDT by
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