It stops when there's no more taxpayer money to throw at it.
Maybe it would stop when a Republican CONSERVATIVE is voted into office!
Translation: When Atlas shrugs.
Or it stops when taxpayers throw out the Republican and 'Rat politicians doing the throwing. Why the hell are we letting these parasites (in D.C. and at the welfare office) steal our money?
My suggestion:
Continue paying the welfare for something like 3 years when they get a job. Have half the money that comes from the Govt go into something like a savings account - albeit an untouchable one for this 3 year phase. Definitely keep the subsidized housing during this phase, too. This way there is an incentive to get a better paying job - a Mega Raise in spendable income when you first become employed but a 3 year countdown to getting off is started, with a nest egg for that home, condo, whatever - at the end of it. Then we have one more off welfare and doing well. Invariably the real victims I saw go on welfare were intimidated to let go of a certain check for a not so certain job. Also, classes in successful money management should be required in all schools - even elementary.
Lastly: If there is any Fairness Doctrine stuff happening I'm suing all colleges to have half their professors be RNC-approved conservatives. That's where our real problem is coming from.