Not even close. But, you should know that this sentiment is was bothers me. The idea that I'm some kind of wife beater just because I like that my wife takes pride in being a happy homemaker irritates me. My wife works hard, 20 hours a day, keeping our family together. That is largely due to the fact that she takes seriously a lot of the items on that list (in a more up-to-date fashion). See my answer to your fiance for more.
BTW - The Breakfast Club is only 23 years old.
Point taken (except Stripes DID come out 24 years ago). Between you and me (yeah right) GreenEggsNHam IS good at, and practices, nearly all of the items on the list (the last three are just too much bs to acknowledge)... but she does them because she wants to and not because I ask her or it is expected... by me OR by society.