I'm sorry, but your comment just irks me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a wife who is a stay at home mother putting to use some of these suggestions. Trust me, it makes for a much happier home for everybody.
Wow, lighten up, Francis. Learn how to recognize sarcasm, life will be much more fun. Let me guess, you live in backwoods Georgia? Most of the people I know in Georgia are not like you.... thankfully.
If you think of this document as any thing more than a joke or an anachronism, I hope you enjoy your brief marriage and your eventual divorce from your Russian catalog bride.
Thanks for that! I got a snide post about a "houseslave". I tried it both ways ... career (early on) and stay at home wife and mother later. The happiness of my family benefitted and I was able to use my spare time to pursue fascinating interests, and volunteer efforts, that were dormant during my career. Three cheers for the stay at home wife/mother who contributes to the world in countless, priceless ways.