Amen to that brother.
So did Jesus. In fact, if someone claims to be His disciple and is not creating a "disturbance" in this present world system, he might examine his work to see if it is of God or men.
It will be interesting if to see if what Dobson says over the next few days matches what he may be required to say if called before the Senate and be under oath.
One local Christian talk show host in my area expressed great concern that he may be requried to testify under oath. He took great pains to show trepedation to the phrase "under oath". I thought good Christians were basically under oath anyhow.
Umm, yeah. But the 'disturbance' Jesus refers to is not disturbance just for the hell of it. It's a disturbance of overturning the religious order or for some other grand purpose other than self-absorbed whining..
I have nothing against Dr Dobson personally and have even read some of his work.I just wish he would steer clear of the political realm.When he and some others step out onto the political stage he's not helping anyone except those on the far left that want to rant about an American theocracy.