A being outside the natural laws of the physical universe can create life ex nihlo. We've just verified the existence of God and ID. Fair enough?
> Now, what is the purpose of the TTSS? I'm sure you're capable of reading the articles and finding out.
Thank you. But it's not my reading skills that are at issue. Why would the undirected evolution of the TTSS into the eubacterial flagellum be a kick in the shin to the ToE?
> A being outside the natural laws of the physical universe can create life ex nihlo. We've just verified the existence of God and ID. Fair enough?
Ahhh... no. To verify the existence of God, you would have to by showing that God is possible. Giving what some of this hypothetical God's properties would be is *not* relevant. And the level of evidence required for showing God-possibility is substantially higher than that for showing that small mutations are possible.
> Why would the undirected evolution of the TTSS into the eubacterial flagellum be a kick in the shin to the ToE?
It wouldn't.