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To: newsgatherer
Are you willing to say the same thing to the Jews, who were the first to write the book of Genesis? Are you willing to sit and listen to what THEY have to say about the literal interpretation of Genesis? Are you willing to accept that Jews, those first people in communion with God, have much more intrinsic and deeper meaning in the book of Genesis? I dare you to ask them what they have to say about the foundations of their cosmology, the Kabbalah. And no, Madonna has nothing at all to do with that. She is a pretentious fool being led by New Agers who use the rich thought of the Kabbalah for commercial purposes.

Are you willing to ask these questions AND hear the answers? Or are you so convinced of your own superiority? God gaves us brains to THINK as well as hearts and souls to feel. From your comments, I dont think you are using the tool God gave you, and that alone is a sin.

73 posted on 10/11/2005 7:52:19 AM PDT by Alkhin (Let all the earth keep silence.)
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To: Alkhin
Are you willing to say the same thing to the Jews, who were the first to write the book of Genesis? Are you willing to sit and listen to what THEY have to say about the literal interpretation of Genesis? Are you willing to accept that Jews, those first people in communion with God, have much more intrinsic and deeper meaning in the book of Genesis? I dare you to ask them what they have to say about the foundations of their cosmology, the Kabbalah. And no, Madonna has nothing at all to do with that. She is a pretentious fool being led by New Agers who use the rich thought of the Kabbalah for commercial purposes.

Are you willing to ask these questions AND hear the answers? Or are you so convinced of your own superiority? God gaves us brains to THINK as well as hearts and souls to feel. From your comments, I dont think you are using the tool God gave you, and that alone is a sin.

I ask Jews those questions daily, I am willing to listen to anyone. What I am not willing to do is be insulted. I will debate, but I will not argue, I will listen but I will not be insulted.

As for the Jews interpretation, I will ask you a question if I may.

Can you find even one Hebrew scholar who does not believe that the day in Genesis one is a literal 24 hour day? I'll even accept one who supports evolution.

The Hebrew word of day is Yowm, in Genesis one is clarified with a number before it, one the first Yom... etc.

Let me show you what I mean.

1 ¶ In the beginning God <'elohiym> created <'eth> the heaven and <'eth> the earth <'erets>.

2 And the earth <'erets> was without form , and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep . And the Spirit of God <'elohiym> moved upon <`al> the face of the waters .

3 ¶ And God <'elohiym> said <'amar>, Let there be light <'owr>: and there was light <'owr>.

4 And God <'elohiym> saw <'eth> the light <'owr>, that it was good : and God <'elohiym> divided the light <'owr> from the darkness .

5 And God <'elohiym> called the light <'owr> Day , and the darkness he called Night . And the evening <`ereb> and the morning were the first <'echad> day .

6 ¶ And God <'elohiym> said <'amar>, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters , and let it divide the waters from the waters .

7 And God <'elohiym> made <`asah> the firmament , and divided the waters which <'aher> were under the firmament from the waters which <'aher> were above <`al> the firmament : and it was so .

8 And God <'elohiym> called the firmament Heaven . And the evening <`ereb> and the morning were the second day .

9 ¶ And God <'elohiym> said <'amar>, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto <'el> one <'echad> place , and let the dry land appear : and it was so.

10 And God <'elohiym> called the dry land Earth <'erets>; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas : and God <'elohiym> saw that it was good .

11 And God <'elohiym> said <'amar>, Let the earth <'erets> bring forth grass , the herb <`eseb> yielding seed , and the fruit tree <`ets> yielding <`asah> fruit after his kind , whose <'aher> seed is in itself, upon the earth <'erets>: and it was so.

12 And the earth <'erets> brought forth grass , and herb <`eseb> yielding seed after his kind , and the tree <`ets> yielding <`asah> fruit , whose seed was in itself, after his kind : and God <'elohiym> saw that it was good .

13 And the evening <`ereb> and the morning were the third day .

14 ¶ And God <'elohiym> said <'amar>, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs <'owth>, and for seasons , and for days , and years :

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light <'owr> upon the earth <'erets>: and it was so.

16 And God <'elohiym> made <`asah> two great lights ; the greater light to rule the day , and the lesser light to rule the night : he made the stars also.

17 And God <'elohiym> set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light <'owr> upon the earth <'erets>,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night , and to divide the light <'owr> from the darkness : and God <'elohiym> saw that it was good .

19 And the evening <`ereb> and the morning were the fourth day .

Now, there are some respected Christian and Hebrew scholars who still try to justify by saying that in Genesis one Yowm is really “era” or thousand years. Neither of these float because of two things. First even if it were thousands of years, which it isn’t, and I’ll show you why in a moment, thousands of years are not long enough for evolution, they have to have billions of years.

Now to why yowm is not anything other than a literal 24 hour day in Generis one.

IN Exodus twenty we have God not speaking, but writing, He wrote the tablets with His own finger. They are called the Ten Commandments. Not one Jewish theologian that I know of disputes that God wrote the Ten Commandments Himself with His own finger on tablets of stone.

This is what they, the tablets, say on the issue of a literal six day week.

8 Remember the sabbath day , to keep it holy .

9 Six days shalt thou labour <`abad>, and do <`asah> all thy work :

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God <'elohiym>: in it thou shalt not do <`asah> any work , thou, nor thy son , nor thy daughter , thy manservant <`ebed>, nor thy maidservant <'amah>, nor thy cattle , nor thy stranger that is within thy gates :

11 For in six days the LORD made <`asah> heaven and earth <'erets>, the sea , and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day : wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day , and hallowed it.

So, in Exodus twenty we have verification, by God Himself that yes indeed He meant six literal 24 hour days, for can you imagine the uproar if what cause if what He meant was six one thousand year days. Imagine working 6,000 years than take a 1000 years off. Get’s even funnier when you substitute days with eons.

Hope that helps,

76 posted on 10/11/2005 8:31:46 AM PDT by newsgatherer
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