" She promised to "strictly apply the laws and the Constitution." --- she proved to be a very effective leader opposing the American Bar Association's official stance in support of abortion, including active support of taxpayer-funded abortions. --- she is deeply committed to the conservative ideal that the people themselves, not an unelected elite, should be able to decide about deeply held values. --- In addition, Ms. Miers brings an important type of diversity to the bench: diversity of experience. --- And perhaps most important, Mr. Bush has worked closely with Ms. Miers every day since his days as governor. The president knows her and knows what kind of justice she will make.
Every one of those arguments translates into "trust me". What evidence does Newt have that she will "strictly apply the laws of the constitution"? We've heard that a thousand times before, it's easy to say it, it's harder to demonstrate it. "Trust me" isnt' enough.