In the coming days, it will become known that she is extremely pro-life. I am getting this information from decent sources. She has been actively involved in church, including working as a Sunday School teacher and doing missions work. She is very conservative. I opposed this nomination strongly yesterday, but am willing to give it a chance. It could turn out to be one of the best in the past 30 years.
I say this as a Christian...So what? She isn't being nominated for Dean of a seminary. She is being nominated for the Supreme Court. While Godliness is virtue in all things, what is most important here is that she be a scholar and a constructionist. If all she has to offer is that she is a Christian Lawyer, then she is a bad pick.
Bush's nominees need to be constitutional scholars and constructionists first and foremost. They should be Christians as a bonus. Besides, Bush did not select her for any of the reasons you are favoring her. He selected her out of cronyism. She has been a loyal supporter and he wants to reward her. Will is correct, Bush is using the Supreme Court as a play thing.
I do not respect George W. Bush.