Why does it seem Evangelical/Religious Right groups are supporting Miers and "Intellectual" Conservatives are not?
Intellectual conservative pundits are opposing her because she's not "in with their in crowd." They're snobs, and they're threatened by the statement that this nomination makes: That there are legal circles and legal achievements beyond their own, that are respectable and worthy of recognition.
Because that end of the conservative spectrum would believe GW if he assured them that the sun will rise in the west tomorrow. Incapable of independent rational thought, they, like the brain-dead dittoheads lifting their arms in salute to Herr Limbaugh, are led around like a barn horse.
She may be a shinning light in the Evangelical Movement but she is not a shinning star of the Intellectual movement.
Conservatives have their elites as well.
Because the "intellectuals" are elitists who think anyone who is not one of them doesn't deserve any respect.
Jimmy Carter had all the evangelicals on his side in '76. All the evangelicals need to hear is that you love Jesus and they fall for it every time. Well, Carter was an evangelical and he sucked.
This is partly a sectional thing. The "intellectuals" are from the northeas, from the "Boswash" strip.
Because the "intellectual conservatives" are elite snobs. BTW, whatever George Will is politically, I don't see him as a conservative. He is, however, most definitely a snob.
Religious != Originalist/Constructionist Justice
Conservative = Originalist/Constructionist Justice
Given both of your comments, my questions are....
Anything Schumer, Leahy, Reid, and Kennedy oppose, I am generally for. Anything they are pretty much okay with, I am usually very much against.
Which makes me all the more concerned over Harry Reid's glowing approval of Harriet Miers..... even Chuckie Schumer, Patrick Leahy and Barbara Feinstein spoke approvingly of Miers. I contrast their initial treatment and approval of Miers with their vehement opposition and filibuster threats if women like Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown or Edith Jones had been nominated. I am baffled and greatly curious over "Why are these Dims so approving of Harriet Miers and yet were so ferocious & outspoken to any of the other conservative women (or men) that Bush could have nominated? What is it that they know that gives them such reassurance for Miers, who supposedly is pro-life, anti-abortion and against special treatment for gays? Especially when they threatened to filibuster any other potential nominees that held these same views, especially if they were pro-life? Is it because they know in reality that Miers will break left on these issues once she is confirmed on the SC?
"Why does it seem Evangelical/Religious Right groups are supporting Miers and "Intellectual" Conservatives are not?"
I started noticing this pattern yesterday too...