To: Ichneumon
I don't know of one devout (true believing) Christian liberal, the liberals are not literal Bible believing Christians.
Just like my mom, she goes to church all the time and thinks she is a Christian, yet she believes there are many roads to heaven.
IF, and I repeat IF, Miers is a true believer in Christ, then she will be alright.
To: Battle Hymn of the Republic
"IF" she is a 'true believer' in Christ, then we "will be alright?"
Only God knows the heart of man. I look no farther than my "I am the only good Christian on planet earth" ex, and I shudder. I prefer more meat than an essentially meaningless criterion you offer above - meaningless because it can't be measured by us puny men.
165 posted on
10/03/2005 4:11:06 PM PDT by
Al Simmons
(The Choice in 2008 will be between Stalin and a Republican; Who will you help to elect?)
To: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Just like my mom, she goes to church all the time and thinks she is a Christian, yet she believes there are many roads to heaven. Unfortunately, so does Billy Graham.
503 posted on
10/03/2005 8:43:33 PM PDT by
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