Given what the demonRATS have to offer, the majority of Americans would rather have an honorable man, with a 'possible' medical condition as long as he has a 'rock solid' VP on the ticket like - Rice. So, the winning ticket is; Cheney/Rice2008
My favorites and my reasoning as well.
Her Thighness and his Suitness can't pull it off. This is just a trial balloon for the DNC. I wonder often if Powell still isn't also in play for '08 - but am beleaguered that he could go either party!.
America elects Governors. Rick Perry (who irritates us as W did as we have to actually LIVE with them here in Austin, even though we support them) is, I believe, about to bust out once the DeLay thing gets settled.
Then again, Schwartzenegger could roar up next year.
I love Tancredo, but he's probably VP material at best.
Jeb can't do anything until the Bush-hate goes away: that'll never happen.
Rudy has a great shot, particularly if Condi saddles up with him.
So, my call is either Perry/Condi or Rudy/Condi '08.