The high crime rates among blacks and some other minorities has nothing to do with their skin pigmentation. Bill Bennett never implied that. It has to do with their predominant choice of cultures to which many subscribe. The "urban" or "hip-hop" or whatever you want to call it culture is destructive, leads to a disdain for laws and authority, and is a significant factor contributing to the crime rates of an entire demographic of people.
Your theory defies logic from multiple angles.
Do those negative attitudes exist in Hiphop? Yes, but that doesn't represent the majority of the culture and to condemn it by calling it destructive is equal to condemning the entire motion picture industry because of violent films, with no regard to dramas, documentaries, and family movies.
Violence and crime existed before Hiphop. For years heavy metal music was blamed for suicides and other violence associtated to white kids in the surburbs, just ask Marilyn Manson.
Povery & crime is directly linked to poor education and a lack of viable employment opportunities. Those are the real issues that people of all races want for themselves and their families and the focus should be on improving those conditions.