I don't think Blacks or Whites are genetically pre-disposed to crime any more than I think you were pre-disposed to putting your foot in your mouth. It takes training to become a complete crook, just like it takes training to know when to write something that shows one's disposition. If you had listened, or even read, Bennett's statement on this, and not just the "snippets" given in the MSM, then you would know damned good and well what he said, and exactly what he meant when saying it.I cannot understand people running into the closet when the dims come calling, I'm not an apoligist for Bill Bennett, nor do I think he has a racist bone in his body. I suggest you read his books and listen to what he says, maybe you won't be so quick to pull the trigger on him. I hope he keeps letting it all hang out, as I think we need it as a country!
I saw the Hannity and Colmes. I saw the replay of his remarks. I saw his "explanation".
His statement was REASONABLY interpretable as being that being black predisposed you to crime.
He should have realised that, and made it clear through an apology that he did not mean that.
If you to pick the single characteristic of an infant that was most likely to predict a life of crime, what would it be? If you made a list of characteristics in order of predictive capability, how far down would "skin color" be?
If he had used the example of "aborting babies of poor people" he would have been insensitive but accurate.