..all of their children are happy, healthy, well mannered, and the parents can name them all :^
He's an engineer, she's a stay at home mom....
..they're not getting one cent from welfare...
..granted, they probably don't eat out a lot, or buy too much that's frivolous...
..but they aren't dependent on the government to support them either.
And no doubt, my friend, the hard working dad .....is helping to support 'this welfare mom' with her 13 kids because he's honest, has a strong work ethic and pays taxes!
Something about an uneven playing field here :^(
You never know when the day could come that your friends could need help from government. I'm not saying it will happen, but never say never.
What is interesting to me about this is that welfare reform happened in the mid 1990s. Supposedly, lifetime welfare benefits were supposed to be capped at TWO years. The way this woman has gotten around this is by using SSI. I wonder how many other "depressed" folks are still receiving their welfare checks.