By the time 2010 rolls around you're going to have 50,000,000-75,000,000 Chinese men aged 25-35 who will be facing the realization that they have nearly zero prospect of ever getting married.
And their divorce rates are as high as ours. Lots of single-parent families and rebellious youth. They are a culture in decline. They need to be careful because they could rot from within.
If communists remain in power, they can work around their ideology to institute Conscripted Concubine Corps.
If they go away, the free market will work it out.
No prosthetic devise even Internet connected can substitute.
In regards to creating families, that's tough.
"By the time 2010 rolls around you're going to have 50,000,000-75,000,000 Chinese men aged 25-35 who will be facing the realization that they have nearly zero prospect of ever getting married."
Nothing like polyandry to raise the status of women in China.
"By the time 2010 rolls around you're going to have 50,000,000-75,000,000 Chinese men aged 25-35 who will be facing the realization that they have nearly zero prospect of ever getting married."
What do you call 50~75 million unmarriable young men?
I call it the largest (potential) army the world has ever seen.
(Or Andrew Sullivan's wet dream?)