He still has crosses to burn, I guess.
1 posted on
09/27/2005 10:04:13 AM PDT by
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To: SmithL
There is still a public library in Bumblewoods, VW that has not yet been renamed in his honor...
2 posted on
09/27/2005 10:05:33 AM PDT by
(My common ground with terrorists - They want to die for Islam, and we want to kill them.)
To: SmithL
There is still a public library in Bumblewoods, WV that has not yet been renamed in his honor...
3 posted on
09/27/2005 10:05:51 AM PDT by
(My common ground with terrorists - They want to die for Islam, and we want to kill them.)
To: SmithL
Three sheets to the wind!
4 posted on
09/27/2005 10:06:23 AM PDT by
(Drool overflowed my buffer...)
To: SmithL
"I have the best job in America because I represent you, the people of West Virginia. And I want to keep this job," he said. I hope this is all he said, otherwise there might have been 20 sleeping people or so (I'm being generous).
5 posted on
09/27/2005 10:08:26 AM PDT by
(You are stuck on stupid!)
To: SmithL
"I have the best job in America because I represent you, the people of West Virginia. And I want to keep this job," he said.
... before heading off to eternal damnation.
To: SmithL
10 posted on
09/27/2005 10:13:10 AM PDT by
(I am conservative. That is NOT the same thing as Republican. Don't place party over principle.)
To: SmithL
Translation: The Dumbocrat party knows if I step down the Republicans would most likely get this seat. ;) Therefore, I must run.
13 posted on
09/27/2005 10:14:41 AM PDT by
(What we permit; we promote.)
To: SmithL
Proud folks of West Virginia MIGHT just vote in someone else!
To: SmithL
What's wrong with West Virginia to keep electing this nut?
On second thought, I don't want to know.
16 posted on
09/27/2005 10:19:04 AM PDT by
(I was only looking at your nametag, honest!)
To: SmithL
17 posted on
09/27/2005 10:21:49 AM PDT by
(Democrats want Hell on Earth too....)
To: SmithL
Translation: The Democrats know that if he doesn't run, they will lose WV.
To: SmithL
To: SmithL
Couldn't FReepers make a concerted effort to keep "Sheets" from the Senate this time?
22 posted on
09/27/2005 10:33:15 AM PDT by
("The central issue is America's credibility and will to prevail" - Goh Chok Tong)
To: SmithL
The cheers from the Congressional Black Caucus are deafening.
To: SmithL
"Presidents come and presidents go,
but a senator can go on forever."
Senator Robert Byrd
25 posted on
09/27/2005 10:36:19 AM PDT by
To: SmithL
I wonder if "sheets" knows he's running. I think that a life test needs to be used to determine if he's still alive
To: SmithL
30 posted on
09/27/2005 10:41:28 AM PDT by
(The Price of Freedom is Written on the Wall.)
To: SmithL
I doubt 'Sheets' has seriously run for anything for, oh, 30-40 years.
He shuffles.
31 posted on
09/27/2005 10:43:30 AM PDT by
(but he has crosses to bear . . . Gladly the Cross-eyed Bear.?)
To: SmithL
The Republican Party has made unseating Byrd a top priority.Neither the Republican Party nor anyone else will ever "unseat" the narrow end of the "horn of plenty". As long as mr. byrd can keep the people of WV facing him with their collective hand's outstretched in supplication and as long as he can drop a few "golden coins" into them, his "job" will be secure.
33 posted on
09/27/2005 10:48:12 AM PDT by
Logic n' Reason
(Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rainin')
To: SmithL
He's going to be a KKKandidate!
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