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To: RunningWolf
Its up to you, but I say there is no need to waste any time defining "goodness" and "righteousness" to some flying spaghetti monster goofball that thinks its okay to call TonyRo76 a deranged sociopath in the name of intelligent argument.

I suggest you re-read the thread and see who has been instulting who.
642 posted on 09/28/2005 10:35:53 PM PDT by Vive ut Vivas (Deity in training.)
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To: Vive ut Vivas; TonyRo76; Dimensio
Who knows? Maybe each side thinks they are speaking sincerely, and the other guys are insulting them. but it don’t look like that to me. At the end of this I will paste how quickly Dimi got to his blade, a circular, crescent shaped thing.

He asks a clarification of a question that TonyRo did not make(why would Dimi want to do a thing), then makes a hypothetical conclusion from this that TonyRo says everyone is that way, and then declares TonyRo a deranged sociopath

And this Dimi character is one of your esteemed prognosticators.. Whatever these guys paid for their school it was too much.. LMAO HA HA HA.

Watching the debate is interesting ,and it has very little to do about any absolute truths(especially the evo cult), but reveals much about psyches.


To: Dimensio » Why would I want to do any such thing?
Because if there were no absolute moral truth, as Darwinism presupposes, then you wouldn't be subject to any ultimate judgment or consequences.
Woo-Hoo! Party on! 165 posted on 09/27/2005 12:11:39 PM PDT by TonyRo76

To: TonyRo76 Because if there were no absolute moral truth, as Darwinism presupposes, then you wouldn't be subject to any ultimate judgment or consequences.
Lacking of "ultimate" consequences doesn't mean that there won't be consequences at all. And you still haven't explained why I would actually want to do such a thing. Are you saying that you would want to do such things if you didn't believe in "ultimate judgement"? If so, then you're projecting to suggest that everyone is that way. Not all of us are deranged sociopaths like you. 554 posted on 09/28/2005 9:01:57 AM PDT by Dimensio

650 posted on 09/29/2005 12:17:36 AM PDT by RunningWolf (U.S. Army Veteran.....75-78)
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