I have been intensely researching this topic for over three years. Genetics is the physical program that produces, manages and sustains living organisms to a level that makes our most sophisticated pharmaceutical labs look like a caveman's blacksmith shop. The evo's on this forum have presented links to every potential evidence in support of evolution and I have taken time to examine the claims and to understand what the scientists making the claims really have discovered (picking out the data from the interpretation).
Talk Origins has a section where they try to claim there is evidence of new species, but they give no evidence of increased complexity. A horizontal mutation that has damaged existing genetic information to produce an altered plant which exhibits no new features is the same as me bumping the keyboard at a Ford factory slightly altering the behavior of the robotic painter to paint the hoods blue when the rest of the car is red. A red car with a blue hood isn't an increase in complexity. The robot is using preexisting information incorrectly, not coding for a new direction in design. They claim this explains how life became so complex. NOT!
The key to the life we see around us is complex information. The thing that makes an organism more complex is organized intelligent information. The evidence screams that the information in living creatures is currently experiencing chaotic disorganization.