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To: b_sharp
"So how did the Universe and all its predictability evolve? Inquiring minds want to know that first."

Check into Cosmology and Quantum physics for that one.

Then God is the comprehensive explanation for both life [evolved or not] and the universe. Evolution, cosmology, quantum physics are subsets. Life and the universe can't be separated. They both exist. They go togther like a horse and carriage. One must check out the whole elephant.

546 posted on 09/28/2005 7:41:54 AM PDT by ex-snook (Vote gridlock for the most conservative government)
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To: ex-snook
Evolution, cosmology, quantum physics are subsets. Life and the universe can't be separated. They both exist. They go togther like a horse and carriage. One must check out the whole elephant.

Then God is the comprehensive explanation for both life [evolved or not] and the universe.

No, "God" -- to whichever one you refer (remember that several thousand or hundred-thousand have been worshipped and acknowledged throughout human history) is a cop-out. It's an "I don't know what happened, so it must have been this divine super-being". That's not an explanation, that's giving up and making up an all-encompassing explanation despite having no evidence for it. You can play semantic games all you want, but the theory of evolution does not address cosmology. You only look dishonest when you try to claim that evolution must address issues outside of its scope.
556 posted on 09/28/2005 9:12:22 AM PDT by Dimensio ( <-- required reading before you use your next apostrophe!)
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To: ex-snook
"Then God is the comprehensive explanation for both life [evolved or not] and the universe. Evolution, cosmology, quantum physics are subsets. Life and the universe can't be separated. They both exist. They go togther like a horse and carriage. One must check out the whole elephant.

Pretty big leap there. You went from the study of a 'subset' - cosmology - to a default of God being the explanation.

Granted, without the universe there is no life but we as humans can divide the universe up into somewhat discrete parts for specialized study can we not? As humans we are specialists in our approach to learning, dividing (and conquering) the entirety of our existence into easily handled compartments. The study of evolution is just one of those compartments and does not include the explanation of how or why the universe started. Ask the Big Bang people how it started.

If you have a question about evolution, however, I'd be happy to do my best to answer it.

574 posted on 09/28/2005 10:37:44 AM PDT by b_sharp (Science adjusts theories to fit evidence, creationism distorts evidence to fit the Bible.)
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