If McCain beleived that, why is he a member of the gang of 14? It seems to be something McCain fights against.
Well membership in the Gang doesn't necessarily denote an opposition to Scalia/Thomas types. I believe that Lindsey Graham definitely supports such candidates. And isn't it the case that Graham, DeWine, McCain, and Warner voted for all of the 'controversial' appellate court nominees?
As to why McCain spearheaded the Gang; there could be many reaons other than an opposition to good conservative judges. They include: Ego and love of media attention and adoration; a delusional view that such action truly saved the 'dignity' of the Senate; an almost admirable but incorrect view that he thought it was the only way to get good judges like Brown, Owens, and Pryor confirmed; or finally, and implausibly, that he wanted to preserve the filibuster for Republican use against liberal nominations from a future Dem president.
I say the last one is unlikely because if the GOP did nothing but bend over and embrace Ginsburg, then what chance is there that they'll ever respond in kind?