Cubicle bound and appreciate this thread. If Fox is bashing Brown I can only imagine what the other networks are saying. Fed up with Fox. Time to write them off too. We can break them as easily as we made them.
Fox News has been a joke since the Iraq war began to be honest. They do great reporting from overseas but their daily programming is rinse and repeat cycle news all day long...same stories over and over. They come on-air an hour later than MSNBC and CNN which both start at 5 AM,they repeat The Factor 3 TIMES,show Neil Cavuto at 5 AM which is a show from 4 PM the previous day.
Their weekend crew is awful...their hurricane coverage has been dismal during landfalls and they turned the lights out during the coverage of Katrina the day after it hit...they went to repeat programming.CNN stayed live for 2 weeks straight around the clock.
It really shows what they are made of...nothing special.
Hume,Smith,and sometimes O'Reilly are the only things that make it worth watching at times. Other than looking at Laurie Dhue.