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To: LadyDoc

You haven't identified the source of the opinions you are presenting there, as I earlier pointed out. And, as I did earlier also, I assume your opinions are those taught to you, socially, and acquired by you, liberally from and among other opinion-based "academics."

I respect your opinions - I realize many from the socially indoctrinated group of acquired opinion-as-knowledge don't respect mine but it's not important an issue to me here or otherwise - but the opinions you continue with are just those: opinions you have acquired from non-specified and non-proven suggestions, meaning they are entirely subjective conjectures.

For instance, you opine: "sexuality is malleable (sic)" and yet no, no it is not. You carry forward with that conjecture -- very significant in implications -- as if it was proven (it is not) and don't define or explain where that opinion of yours originates, or even explain that point further.

The rest...again...all that you've written there is mere opinion, entirely subjective, a tad like reading a novel, in no disrespect to you as an individual, but unless you take an objective approach to these important issues, you and others who carry on with them continue to proliferate and encourage opinions as "truth" when they are not and are no more than opinion.

Which is why I earlier pointed out that unless a hypothesis (which is opinion, conjecture, imagined premise) is substantiated by a specific process of evidence and proof, it's remains mere suggestion only.

Which is where our popular culture is about these sliding scale, variable possibilities and hunches about homosexuality and other sexual behaviors...and of worse unfortunatily, those imaginings have been allowed to be 'taught' and instructed in public educational systems as 'fact' when they are anything but fact but mere popular opinion, without evidence otherwise, other than those making the most noise about certain opinions manage to be heard.

Homosexuality is behavioral. It has never been proven to be "inherent" and that's the actual fact within science (and my religious beliefs) as of this date.

104 posted on 09/26/2005 2:02:49 AM PDT by BIRDS
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Sorry, but I was "educated" BEFORE political the 1950's and 1960's, before liberals took over...

anthropologically, there are gays in every culture...and since I've worked as a missionary in about eight cultures, I think I can base this on personal observation...

This implies inborn genetic reasons partly behind it, similar to other genetic behavioral problems (sociopathy, phobias, drug abuse).

Such things make one prone to certain sins, but people are free to give into temptations or not. That is where the "Choice" lies.

And the expression of such tendencies vary from culture to culture, due to social pressures. This is where I state the actions can be influenced by cultures. The observation of gays being from families with strong mothers and absent fathers goes back to the late 1880's...and Freud.

The argument of nature vs nurture on homosexuality and other personality traits has gone back and forth several times since I went to medical school...right now the "inborn" is on top, but thirty years ago, it was "developmental" causes...

Actually, it is probably both. But both early childhood influences AND inborn tendencies can interact in a person, and it is very hard for us docs to change these things once a person is an adult... for depression and phobias, prozac helps but doesn't cure...but psychotherapy and drugs can't do a thing for deep rooted homosexuality (as opposed to mild tendencies that are much more common)...

If a person could merely "chose" to be gay, he could be cured...and indeed, many can be cured. But NOT all can become heterosexual...some must chose celibacy...

"The number of men and women who have deep seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial...Homosexual persons are called to chastity..." (Catechism of the catholic church)...

However, many who under certain circumstances have no access to women, or many who are bisexual can be seduced into the gay lifestyle...They can "chose" to enter into the heterosexual lifestyle...and their actions are greatly influenced by cultural standards, which is why the gay agenda to normalize homosexuality needs to be opposed: Because they will "recruit" many confused bisexual boys and girls into thinking that once you have performed a homosexual act, you are required to go into this lifestyle...(which is how the PC are teaching our children)...

120 posted on 09/26/2005 11:39:38 PM PDT by LadyDoc (liberals only love politically correct poor people)
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