To: Rebelbase
Looking at your map made me think of the horror if the Tobasco Pepper crop is wiped out in New Iberia this year.
422 posted on
09/22/2005 7:08:11 PM PDT by
LA Woman3
(Aggies do not lie, cheat , or steal, nor tolerate those who do....)
To: LA Woman3
Yeah, living on Tabacco road mixes me up sometimes.
425 posted on
09/22/2005 7:09:14 PM PDT by
(The Mainstream Media is "Stuck on stupid". (Gen. Honore))
To: LA Woman3
In Alabama we put Tobasco Sauce on everything from greens to fenders. Fenders are only edible with Tobasco sauce.
For yankees, only edible if you have mettle.
Oh, come on down for boiled peanuts and crawfish.
486 posted on
09/22/2005 7:22:48 PM PDT by
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