So do I.
In my mind's eye, I'd love to see a Cheney/Rummy ticket.
Unfortunately, Cheney won't run in '08.
"I love Cheney's style best."
"So do I.
In my mind's eye, I'd love to see a Cheney/Rummy ticket.
Unfortunately, Cheney won't run in '08."
-I don't know for sure of course, but a few months back (I can't remember where), but Cheney gave a very weak maybe. That to me means it will be a sneak attack.
As for as dreaming I was once a fan of a Cheney/Powell ticket and the Cheney/Lieberman ticket.
Senator Lieberman is more of my style than many Republicans, and he stand solid on THE WAR ON TERROR. I gained a lot of respect for the man once he was away from Gore.