In a nutshell, God wants us to be INDIVIDUALLY responsible. This writer wants us to depend more and more on government for our needs - even when we are willing;y, by choice being irresponsible.
That "fable" is taken from the Bible. When it is convenient then the other story pops up form the "Good Book" because THAT fits the agenda of the person writing this dribble - MORE government taking care of people but notice how the ant "fable" actually a parable doesn't apply. It is GOD that wants us to be prudent and uses the parable, in the "good Book", not a "fable" to illustrate what He wants us to do.
"Intelligent people" may "recognize Intelligent Design", but intelligent people also recognize that this story comes from Aesop's Fables, not the Bible. Sheesh.
"Did you bother to read this crap carefully?"
Nope! I posted it just to annoy the crap out of those so much smarter than I. That's why I try to remember to always say "just my opinion; means nothing to anyone else".
Thanks for your insightful input.