"About once a month, Jerry Choate says, workers at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History in Hays find brochures in the restrooms promoting creationism over evolution."
Comment: I think this should be applauded, as many are the times I've been in a museum bathroom, only to discover they were out of toilet tissue. It is very thoughtful of Creationists to provide free supplemental material that is suitable for use in a "toilet emergency."
BTW, there is an historical/political precedent for this sort of behavior; there was a political group of which I am aware which used to sneak quietly into public meetings of other groups, in order to surreptitiously insert THEIR group's pamphlets among the handouts of the sponsoring organization on the "information table." Can you guess what political organization would pull such a sleazy stunt? Can you say: "LYNDON LAROUCHE"? I knew you could.
As for the quote proclaiming that the nation-wide spate of museum "confrontations" isn't part of an organized effort, it is laughable on its face.