So too held the Church's Court that convicted Galileo -- he dared challenge the "settled precepts of science".
There is no observation with a point of view to make it, and without an observation the nigh-infinite set of quantum state possibilities never resolves to one. So without points of view, the universe stops -- or rather: does naught be.
Yet we know there is, there be and was. So by that we know there is a point of view to be had -- and further that there is and was in great, ornately intricate and majestic all at once order -- a order that gives a man each breath by beat of his heart and lungs drawing in the just-so-correct percentage of oxygen. A loving order by that, a creator who sets all points of view before the viewers, and by their breaths so given gives them the mind and arts by which they too can create new views, and even points of view that realize new worlds.
Oh dear. Quantum mechanics as solipsism.
The 'resolution of possibilities' is an result of the artificial division of the system into observer and observed. Without that division, the evolution of the wavefunction under the Hamiltonian is entirely deterministic.
Yet we know there is, there be and was. So by that we know there is a point of view to be had -- and further that there is and was in great, ornately intricate and majestic all at once order -- a order that gives a man each breath by beat of his heart and lungs drawing in the just-so-correct percentage of oxygen. A loving order by that, a creator who sets all points of view before the viewers, and by their breaths so given gives them the mind and arts by which they too can create new views, and even points of view that realize new worlds.
Marshmallow taxis appear on the shore
Waiting to take you away
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone.