So they are American citizens not Mexicans crossing the border?
Most of these criminal protesters are American citizens.
IF "American citizens" involved in that group, these specific actions, I'm assuming they are anchor babies grown a few years and/or the children of illegals who arrived here and who benefitted from the generous amnesty of years earlier. Or else, they're NOT "American citizens" but just people parked in the country like so many other millions, proud in their confidence that they're not going to be penalized because they, and/or their parents, are here illegally.
Unless the individuals have been identified, I'm assuming they are just being assumed to be "American citizens" but simply because their group is now situated in Denver, CO and they are waging some international group of muck on Yahoo does not assign American citizenship to them.
Based upon how they behaved (articles for the event posted here), I doubt they are American citizens by choice or decision, either -- perhaps some are, some aren't, not the point because it's not provable without benefit of identifying who the people were/are who were those protesting the anti-illegal-immigration movement -- but by how they behaved, it seems they are more intersted in anarchy and self indulgence than any concept of civic honor or responsibility.
The police response being so late, the lack of intervention can nearly always tell where a city government's head is by the way the local force behaves and how they withhold or provide service and to whom.
San Diego, in my experience, is another San Francisco or at least wants to be and is sure trying to be anything but a part of the United States. A lot of very rough, bad people in that area (apologies to the good ones, but these are my experiences recently).
I think what's taken and is continuing to take place in California is that most middle class (and predominantly white, a reality here) residents/citizens have left or are in the process of leaving areas like San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles (the last two, nearly most have already left) in CA for other areas inland and north or to other states and the large, coastal cities in CA have become worse than ever, with either the very rich, celebrity driven types remaining among the predominantly illegal groups sympathetic to Mexico and communism.
The state of CA, I dunno, but it's luster, it can only go so long being majority union, illegal immigrants, poverty endorsing areas and gay parading neighborhoods, before it'll lose whatever saving graces it ever had.
It just seems to me more and more that what liberalism is, particularly here (CA) and in other coastal, mostly urban areas in the U.S., is devoted to negativity of anything that the United States was founded upon to create. Otherwise, I haven't a clue.