I haven't either, and yet even on Fox, you keep hearing that the Federal response was 'slow.' I'm getting pretty sick of it, because, unless I've missed something big, there's no evidence that it was.
There was no need to fire Brown, but I think that has more to do with his honesty regarding his resume than with anything on the part of the disaster aftermath of Katrina.
I had the thought that Brown got moved to get him out of the line of fire. He was clearly the scapegoat, and being ruthlessly attacked by the left.
As for his resume, I haven't seen verification that he falsified it since the original (Time?) accusation. Has anything been proven, or was it just another leftist media lie?
The last I heard, officials from Edmond, OK were standing by his resume, so I don't know it was enhanced or not. Your take that he was a target for the leftist propaganda was probably more accurate, and was removed to diffuse the lies that presstitutes were expounding upon.