These reports left a bad taste in my mouth.
Seriesly, I didn't think that this was really happening...People can go for a LOT longer than two days without food, and I would have to be half-dead and completely insane with starvation to even consider chomping on some rotten human corpse.
But wait...I did hear somewhere recently that starvation was "euphoric".
pardon me for my cynicism, but i've caught them in TOO MANY KNOWING LIES!
just ONE example:during the RVN war all three TV networks alleged that a personal Army buddy & school chum of mine had committed several murders/rapes/robberies over the Christmas holidays of 1968.
when notified by his widow that Jerry had been killed (while on R&R) in a car accident more than SIX MONTHS before (on 16MAY68) the alleged incident, ALL THREE networks refused to clear his name!
believe ANYTHING they say at your peril!
free dixie,sw