spy pen.jpg Hariri had provided copies of the threat to U.S. President Bush, French President Jacques Chirac and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf shortly before he was assassinated in Beirut on Feb. 14, said the newsletter that specializes in intelligence affairs.

The Assad-Hariri meeting was held in Damascus a week before Syria forced the Lebanese parliament virtually at gunpoint to extend President Lahoud's term in office for 3 additional years on Sept. 3. Hariri was against the extension, but was forced to vote for it.

"It is useful for you to know that Lahoud's term will be extended no matter what…I shall not allow you to replace him with anyone else," the recording pen quoted Assad as telling Hariri. "You have to bear in mind that I am capable of destroying Lebanon, you included."

"If I am forced to leave Lebanon, I will leave it a pile of rubble. Your ally Walid Jumblatt must realize the fate awaiting him. The death of his father is the best lesson for him," Assad was reportedly recorded as telling Hariri.

Intelligence Online said the pen-recorder was probably made available to Hariri by the French foreign security service DGSE, when he told Chirac that he feels threatened.
This will no doubt make Deltev Mehlis' Job easier next week in Damascus, when he interrogates the Syrian Intelligence officers. Perhaps he should add Basher Al Assad to the list of witnesses that he will be interrogating. The world community wants to know the truth.

Source: Ya Libnan, Naharnet, Intelligence Online,