Have you seen my little lists of facts?
Fact: Pappa Moon Landrieu was a head of HUD during the Carter administration
70% of the people in NOLA rent their homes
The population of NOLA has one of the highest povery (crime*) level in the US.
Wm Jefferson who is being investigated is a "Slum Lord".
In l998 complaint were made in congress: It seems that some of the homes that had been purchased for under $30,000 had received over $200,000 from repeatedly filing for compensation from flood insurance. (Think that is administered by HUD)....Got no where because of LA politician opposition.
How many properties to the rather large Landrieu family own?
How much of their wealth is derived from renting HUD properties?
How much will "W" ownership idea hurt the "family" "BIG TIME" (No wonder she wants to slap him.)
* One post even showed where they manipulated their population so they won't be compared to NYC, CHI, LA
(# murders 10 X'x more than the others)
WOW---no I hadn't seen your list...
That is an impressive list of very interesting facts that BETTER come to light during the investigation into what went wrong...and how to go from here.
If I were Mary Landrieu, and others, I would be afraid, very afraid.
Did you send this list to Tony? We need to get him to do for this list what he did for the Able Danger information...pound it!