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To: Arpege92
40 or 50 years ago, a man could walk out on his wife for a younger woman (and it happened quite often), leaving the wife with absolutely nothing.

It had little to do with Law, and much to do with it being a less computerized age. Back then, there was also alimony and child support, just as much as today. However, it was much easier for a man to disappear and start over again in another state, and hard to find him again.

My dad left us when I was 3. Much later we found out thru his family that he was somewhere in California. My mom never did track him down before he passed away (with everything in his new wife's name)

218 posted on 09/19/2005 4:41:23 AM PDT by SauronOfMordor (Never try to teach a pig to sing -- it wastes your time and it annoys the pig)
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To: SauronOfMordor

"It had little to do with Law, and much to do with it being less computerized age."

I disagree. People's attitudes and expectations were the true problem. Men could walk away from his family and start a new life knowing noone would try to hold him accountable for the family he left behind. I'm not saying all men did this, I'm just saying that it was more acceptable back then for men to behave this way.

231 posted on 09/19/2005 7:58:06 AM PDT by Arpege92 ("I am happy, be it yourselves." - Pope John Paul II)
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