If a person doubts the integrity and honor of their spouse in living up to the oaths of marriage, then they need protection from each other in the form of a prenup. Those that know their spouse and are bound by their vows do not need prenups.
You never know what the future might bring in terms of influences and how those influences will affect your spouse. That has nothing to do with "integrity and honor".
When I met my wife she was, like I was, a U.S. Naval officer and claimed to be a Republican.
Now, 16 years after we moved to the Pacific Northwest Left Coast, the wife I married is no longer the wife I have.
As a stay-at-home Mom with no need to bring home a paycheck, she has mingled with the locals and the results have been catastrophic.
Her brother is a Naval aviator flying helos and, during his two Iraq tours, she was spouting the "Bush got us into this war to get money for Haliburton" total BS that the locals were spouting. It took a direct conversation with her brother to cut that cr#p out.
When our daughter was 7 years old, her victim-feminist counselor told her that, if I cuddled with my daughter while watching cartoons on the living room couch, that was a form of "Covert Incest". ( Look that up in the victim-feminist playbook.)
Fast forward to several years later and her latest Left-Wingism is that "my truth is not the same as her truth". When I heard that, I could not believe that was coming out of her mouth. Truth is truth, is it not?
A Google search, however, showed me that that is a New Age sophism.
If your spouse is still the same spouse you married, that's great. Consider yourself extremely lucky.
In my case, I have found that the spouse I now have is definitely not the spouse I married and the wife I now have is definitely FUBAR.
No, I have not left as there would be nothing worse for my kids than to live with a mother who thinks like that without a father in the house to set them straight. We have a large 1880's Victorian house and she lives on the second floor and I live on the third floor.
That is not a matter of "integrity and honor". That is a matter of social influences and you, in your mid-20's, have absolutely no idea what influences your spouse will be subjected to ten or twenty years down the road.