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More women are asking for prenups
Sun Sentinel ^
| September 18, 2005
| Georgia East
Posted on 09/18/2005 3:05:48 AM PDT by Caipirabob
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To: Goodgirlinred
Not if she is the wealthy one at the time of the marriage. In this day and age, I don't think that it is unreasonable to have mutual prenups. That does not mean that the people don't truly love each other and plan on being married forever.I think guys should keep their nups as long as they can. Once they're gone, they'll be doing the shopping, changing diapers, doing the laundry, dusting the fine china, cleaning the tub, and other assorted jobs.
posted on
09/18/2005 1:04:54 PM PDT
(Hillary, be a doll and give me back my FBI file...)
To: Goodgirlinred
Also, I was about to marry a man who, it turned out later, was only interested in my money. He turned out to be a very skilled professional con artist. I had only been married to one man, for 33 years since I was 18, so I was very naive about such things. Thank heavens I realized I was about to make a big mistake!Yikes! Thank God you found out before...
posted on
09/18/2005 1:13:43 PM PDT
(Democrats.. Socialists..Commies..Traitors...Who can tell the difference?)
To: Prophet in the wilderness
Puttin' all your made up BS out here...that's what I mean...
posted on
09/18/2005 1:28:22 PM PDT
To: Prophet in the wilderness
"So basically, you are saying that those women who cheat are justified, but, men who cheat are no good rats and dogs?"
Nope....that's just you pretending I said such a thing. Not once did I say that women who cheat are justified and men are dogs if they cheat.
posted on
09/18/2005 2:10:16 PM PDT
("I am happy, be it yourselves." - Pope John Paul II)
To: Vision
I'm quite, quite sure that nobody here is defending feminism or aggressive career women. We don't like female pit bulls any better than you do. The trouble is, Vision, that these days a young woman can't sit at home doing needlepoint until some suitable young man of good family comes a-courting. She has no choice but to get out into the world and support herself. And if she is intelligent, talented, and competent, chances are good that she will be offered one promotion after another through the years. If she doesn't find someone in college, she may find herself unmarried as she gets into her thirties. It seems that somehow a woman who had to support herself is automatically considered a bitch by some male Freepers, and we women are not clear on how it is that a woman who has the self-respect to support herself and do well at it is therefore a bitch. Because, honestly, we are criticized if we stay home and have children, too.
posted on
09/18/2005 2:39:48 PM PDT
(I don't have any problems that can't be solved by more chocolate or more ammunition.)
To: Caipirabob
One never knows. People and circumstances change. If one partner has a lot more money than the other, a prenup is simply good planning, along with any other kind of planning.
posted on
09/18/2005 3:11:26 PM PDT
To: jwalsh07
That's one of the advantages of marrying young and poor. :)
posted on
09/18/2005 3:12:18 PM PDT
To: TheSpottedOwl
No idea how many marriages. The last I heard she had moved to New Orleans on Bourbon Street. That was back in about 1974.
posted on
09/18/2005 3:15:43 PM PDT
R. Scott
(Humanity i love you because when you're hard up you pawn your Intelligence to buy a drink.)
To: HairOfTheDog
I don't agree with your conclusions of law. What becomes community property in community property state, is what is generated from your personal services after you are married. I don't know if that can be reversed by a prenuptial agreement.
posted on
09/18/2005 3:15:57 PM PDT
To: Torie
Well, always best to actually ask a lawyer, but my understanding is that the more you mix it into the marriage, the more community it becomes :~D
posted on
09/18/2005 3:29:57 PM PDT
(Join the Hobbit Hole Troop Support -
To: Caipirabob
I remarried not too long ago. I did a prenup and it is very simple. If it is separate accounts/property, it stays with the given owner. Money earned separately or increased in value remains separate. If it is joint, 50/50.
I have a large amount of assets that I own and maybe over time, her name may get on them but the idea is to keep the division of assets simple.
On this subject, there are definite sides people take on this. There is no one in the middle. When my son gets married, I will advise him to do a prenup plus I will setup assets for him in such a way that his wife cannot get to them if he decides to skirt a prenup.
To: Junior
Exactly. When my wife and I were first married, neither of us had squat. Everything we've got now, we've gotten together.Amen to that Junior.
To: benjaminjjones; Torie
Ah, the good old days...Yes indeedy. When my daughters were in their "stuck up" years I delighted in telling their friends, particularly their boy friends, how we lived in a slightly more upscale tent than the original for 6 months while raising some money to get better accomodations.
Supposedly I was "runing their life". LOL
To: R. Scott
Bourbon Street? Good grief.
posted on
09/18/2005 4:35:27 PM PDT
("President Bush, start building that wall"!)
To: Prophet in the wilderness
Back off puppy, I'm one of those independant b!tches that America is full of. I don't much care for a man to tell me when I can open my mouth and speak.
To: Caipirabob
I agree- if I got married again and had anything (or if he did) I wouldn't fight signing a prenup. I never ever dreamed I'd get divorced but it was not just up to me. Sadly, the other person in the equation did not have the same feelings so I am divorced.
posted on
09/18/2005 4:41:01 PM PDT
(Sure I believe in intelligent design. The best accident we've come up with is Mary in grilled cheese)
To: TheSpottedOwl
That was a long time ago - but she (and I back then) did like fun.
posted on
09/18/2005 4:50:49 PM PDT
R. Scott
(Humanity i love you because when you're hard up you pawn your Intelligence to buy a drink.)
To: Arpege92
I guess you plan on being single for the rest of your life. Why buy a cow when milk's free.
Anyway, this is long since past being a soceity where it's wise to get married.
As marriage is not something that happens between two people.
Marriage is something that happens between two people and society.
And modern society is a lousy partner for one's marriage.
To: najida
'sides darlin, I think you just made our point better than we ever could've
I know you think you're being witty, but you're not.
posted on
09/18/2005 6:34:15 PM PDT
(When Hillary Says She's Going To Put The Military On Our Borders...She Becomes Our Next President)
To: Sally'sConcerns
Project much?
posted on
09/18/2005 6:36:26 PM PDT
(When Hillary Says She's Going To Put The Military On Our Borders...She Becomes Our Next President)
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