Not only do creationists want to do away with biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and astronomy, they also want to do away with mathematics. When I was teaching, they were mostly against imaginary numbers being treated on an equal footing with real numbers.
Understandibly; they were probably too "Complex" for them!
Some of us non-math folk would like to do away with them too. Also numbers ending in 7. :-)
"Not only do creationists want to do away with biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and astronomy, they also want to do away with mathematics. When I was teaching, they were mostly against imaginary numbers being treated on an equal footing with real numbers."
Hello? What in the world does math or physics or chemistry have to do with evolution? And why would creationists not like imaginary numbers? I have never met any creationists who want to do away with all science and math.
If you had any credibility before, you've just spent it all on that post.